Osteopathy is used to diagnose, treat and prevent injuries and health problems. It’s a way of enabling the body to heal by improving mobility, reducing muscle tension and improving blood and nerve supply to your body. We use a system of healthcare looking at your structure and function to reduce pain and restore whole body health. This involves looking at factors that that may be affecting your symptoms such as previous injury, trauma and your environment.
Your treatment is adapted to your individual needs but usually involves manual therapy, health advice, exercise therapy and management with other healthcare professionals where needed.
Osteopathy can be used to treat:
Back pain, Sciatica, Neck pain, Headaches and Migraines, Joint pains, Arthritis pain, Rheumatic pain, Shoulder and Elbow pain including Frozen Shoulder and Tennis Elbow, Fibromyalgia, Sports injuries.
Dry Needling
Acupuncture or Dry Needling involves the use of very fine, sterile needles into certain areas of the body to reduce pain by affecting your muscles and nerves. Usually Acupuncture is relaxing and not painful. It can help with Low Back pain, Neck pain, Headaches and Knee pain. Acupuncture can be used as part of your treatment where appropriate to help reduce your pain as quickly as possible.